APHIS Posts Updated NLRAD
On March 7, 2024, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS), Veterinary Services (VS) posted the 2024 National List of Reportable Animal Diseases, Infections, and Infestations List (NLRAD). The updated list may be found here.
The NLRAD is updated annually, and changes made are indicated at the top of the document along with the NLRAD definitions of the categories of diseases and who are animal health professionals. Pathogens listed by the NLRAD are considered significant health threats to animal livestock and natural resources in the U.S. As such detections of these listed pathogens and any emerging diseases, in either livestock or wild populations, should be reported to the USDA Area Veterinarian-in-Charge (AVIC). At this time, case definitions (CD) for listed aquatic animal pathogens are still in development.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Reporting under NLRAD does not supersede State requirements or notification processes for FAD-Emerging Disease Incidents or other Regulated/High Priority Endemic Disease reporting requirements.
NLRAD frequently asked questions are posted here. If you are still puzzled, then please contact Dr. Kathleen H. Hartman, APHIS VS Staff Veterinary Medical Officer, at 813-451-8749 (cell) or Kathleen.H.Hartman@usda.gov.