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National Aquaculture Association

National Aquaculture Association

National Aquaculture Association

National Aquaculture Association

National Aquaculture Association

National Aquaculture Association

EPA’s midnight action is not based on the best available science.

National Aquaculture Association

National Aquaculture Association

National Aquaculture Association

National Aquaculture Association

Deadline now extended to Feb 1, 2025!

National Aquaculture Association

National Aquaculture Association

National Aquaculture Association

Submit Comments by Dec. 1, 2024!

National Aquaculture Association

National Aquaculture Association

National Aquaculture Association

National Aquaculture Association

National Aquaculture Association

National Aquaculture Association

National Aquaculture Association

National Aquaculture Association

California Sea Grant is leading a collaborative effort to assess and strengthen public knowledge of aquaculture

National Aquaculture Association

National Aquaculture Association

National Aquaculture Association

National Aquaculture Association

Co-Chairs: Marcy L. Cockrell, Blair Morrison, and Angela Caporelli

National Aquaculture Association

Comments are due August 5th.

National Aquaculture Association

Season 6: Episode 9

National Aquaculture Association

National Aquaculture Association

The story of people who are feeding our growing planet while working to save our oceans.

National Aquaculture Association

Aquaculture surpasses capture fisheries in aquatic animal production for the first time, The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture 2024 says

National Aquaculture Association

National Aquaculture Association

National Aquaculture Association

Submission deadline is June 7, 2024.

National Aquaculture Association

The 2022 Fisheries Economic of the United States report showed U.S. commercial fishing, seafood industry, and recreational fishing continue to play an essential role in our coastal economies.

National Aquaculture Association

In a bid to strengthen the trajectory of the U.S. aquaculture industry, Virginia Sea Grant and a consortium of researchers led by Virginia Tech secured a federal grant of nearly $1 million to address critical economic and marketing gaps.

National Aquaculture Association

National Aquaculture Association

Effective May 6, 2024, Veterinary Services will charge user fees for the full time required to complete export facility inspection packages.

National Aquaculture Association

National Aquaculture Association

Friday at the Lab

National Aquaculture Association

NOAA Office of Aquaculture is holding public listening sessions where growers, workers, researchers, coastal community members, and the general public can share their views on the future of aquaculture at NOAA Fisheries.

National Aquaculture Association

National Aquaculture Association

By Chris Good, Director of Research

National Aquaculture Association

Today, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced the issuance of nine warning letters to manufacturers and distributors of unapproved and misbranded antimicrobial animal drugs for violations of federal law.

National Aquaculture Association

USDA announced that starting Dec. 18 they will mail the 2023 Census of Aquaculture to all producers who indicated in their 2022 Census of Agriculture that they produce and sell aquaculture products. The deadline to respond is Jan. 15, 2024.

National Aquaculture Association

Over the next 2 months, APHIS will host a series of training webinars about the RAEF 2.0 updates and expectations for external stakeholders and facilities.

National Aquaculture Association

Representatives Suzanne Bonamici (D-OR), Rob Wittman (R-VA), Frank Pallone (D-NJ), and Chellie Pingree (D-ME) have introduced bipartisan, bicameral legislation to uplift and support aquaculture and aquaculture farmers and harvesters.

Charlie Culpepper

Federal agencies have been adopting eDNA surveillance technologies to confirm an animal or pathogen's physical presence in aquatic environments using minute fragments of DNA.

Charlie Culpepper

The legislation is not needed and would stop or severely impede import and interstate trade in live aquatic animals.

Charlie Culpepper

Animal rights activist have adopted the technology to capture images and footage for use in media campaigns developed to damage public perception of animal agriculture.

Charlie Culpepper

USDA hosting a series of listening sessions to inform priority setting and program planning actions for the next 5-years (2025-2029).

Charlie Culpepper
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