WADDL Now Offering Certification and Diagnostic Testing for Tilapia Lake Virus
Tilapia Lake Virus: Certification and Diagnostic Testing
Tilapia lake virus (TiLV) is a virus that infects tilapia in South America, Asia, and the Middle East. It is a foreign animal disease, which means that is not endemic in the United States. TiLV can cause significant disease and mortality in tilapia, which is why it is of concern to fish health regulators.
Certification Testing: For producers moving fish interstate or internationally, fish health regulators may require certification testing for TiLV following methodology from the Aquatic Manual of the World Organization for Animal Health (formerly known as the OIE). This test method uses cell culture to screen fish tissues (such as kidney/spleen pools) for the virus. WADDL’s Aquatic Health Laboratory Section offers cell culture testing for TiLV. Certification testing with cell culture takes 29 days to complete, so producers should schedule sample collection and submission with this timeframe in mind.
PCR Testing: WADDL also offers a PCR test for TiLV. This test can be used for diagnostic cases, where there is a suspicion of TiLV infection in sick tilapia, or as a confirmatory test if cell culture results are positive.
WADDL has fish veterinarians with production, clinical, diagnostic, and research experience on staff available to answer veterinarians’ and producers’ questions about diagnostic testing for fish, including for TiLV.
Contact WADDL at 509-335-9696 for more information about testing aquatic species at WADDL.
Additional Info
Source : https://tests.waddl.vetmed.wsu.edu/Tests/Details/8523