Second Sustainable Aquaculture Systems Supporting Atlantic Salmon Conference Report Available
A final report summarizing the second Sustainable Aquaculture Systems Supporting Atlantic Salmon (SAS2) conference is now available by clicking here. The SAS2 conference brought 110 academic researchers, industry professionals, government officials, educators, and students together at the Institute of Marine and Environmental Technology (IMET) in Baltimore during October 2023.
The 2023 SAS2 conference facilitated the discussion and presentation of research and field updates, networking and connectivity among partners, and putting forth a vision for the future of the SAS2 project. The conference consisted of nine 1-hour-long panels addressing key challenges to the industry, populated by 50 panelists from the US and abroad, as well as two keynote presentations.
Panelists represented diverse and transdisciplinary project partners from research, industry, federal, and education fields. The conference structure encouraged questions and commentary from the audience, which resulted in thoughtful discussions over the course of the conference. Participants also had the opportunity to tour aquaculture facilities at IMET’s Aquaculture Research Center and The Conservation Fund Freshwater Institute.
Learn more about the innovative SAS2 project at salmonland.org.