Maine Maritime Academy Offering Mariculture Certificate
Center for Professional Mariner Development Bucksport, Maine
Workforce development/Entrepreneurship
First course starting April 2, 2024!!! Limited enrollment
Zoom classes 7-8:30 PM Tue, Thurs. , Hands-on Saturdays 9 AM – 1 PM
8 Modules: 4 x 10 week semesters x 2 modules at a time (280 hours)
- April – June Introduction to Mariculture/Mariculture Business Fundamentals
- Sep – Nov Small boat handling and seamanship/Site selection for a lease
- Jan – March Biology and ecology of mariculture species/ Oceanography for mariculture
- April – June Regulations and permits for mariculture/Vessels, machinery and husbandry
- Summer apprenticeship (Year 1, WCCC 7 day free Discover Careers in Aquaculture; year 2 paid apprenticeship through SMCC/MAA/CPMD)
Tuition: $1000 per module - Prerequisites: HS Diploma or GED, computer (for zoom, assignments )
- Learn the skills necessary to work on a shellfish or sea vegetable farm or start your own business
- Develop competency in safely operating, navigating, maintaining, and troubleshooting vessels
- Learn how to form and run a business, including bookkeeping, raising capital and writing a business plan
- Learn the biology, physiology and ecology of bivalve invertebrate and marine macroalgae and what conditions control their growth and yield, and learn about their predators and competitors.
- Learn about how to measure water currents, why they are important, mooring systems, what controls primary production and why its important, red tides and bacteria, sediments, waves and boundary layers.
- Learn about state, fish and wildlife, army corps and other permits, how to get a lease, get trained in HACCP methods and write your own HACCP plan
- Find out what to look for in a new lease site, how to measure the parameters with current meters, CTD’s, video and water samples, and find the best place for your farm.
- Learn how to retrofit existing vessels or build your own custom vessels for a mariculture operation, what kind of machinery is needed, basic hydraulic motors and systems.
- Earn a higher wage in your employment by having credentials and experience, and/or strike out on your own.
- Visit commercial operations and see how its done first-hand.
mainemaritime.edu - 207-326-2211 - cpmd@mma.edu - carter@pemaquidmussels.com
Additional Info
Media Contact : cpmd@mma.edu
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