ARS Releases Aquaculture Research Action Plan 2025-2029
The US Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service (ARS), is charged with finding solutions to agricultural problems that affect Americans every day from field to table.
ARS has 15 National Programs (including National Program 106: Aquaculture) involving 2,000 scientists and post docs at 90+ research locations, including overseas laboratories. Relative to aquaculture, ARS has 14 project teams (69 scientists total) at 15 different locations who collaborate with nine universities or non-profit institutions.
In developing the Aquaculture National Program 106 Action Plan 2025 – 2029, ARS solicited stakeholder input to: 1) inform ARS about the status of ongoing industry challenges; 2) identify priorities to direct strategic research planning activities; and 3) inform ARS management about industry issues as they make programmatic decisions. Over 300 farmers and 112 agency and university representatives attended and contributed during Catfish, Salmonids, Basses and Baitfish, Mollusks and Crustaceans, Warmwater Marine Finfish and Aquaponics listening sessions.
This Action Plan reflects new and/or expanded program directions that are a result of new funding and guidance provided by the Congress and/or redirecting current capacities. This plan expands ARS research in tilapia, shrimp, crawfish, pompano, red drum, Pacific and eastern oyster, and aquaponics while continuing efforts in catfish, salmonids, and hybrid striped bass. ARS scientists will be developing their projects Jan-Jun 2024, which will be reviewed by external panels of experts by August and implemented Dec 2024/Jan 2025.
For additional information or to answer questions, please contact Caird Rexroad, National Program Leader for Aquaculture, USDA ARS Office of National Programs at caird.rexroadiii@usda.gov.