Avian Predator Management Field Days
Field Days Announcement
We’re thrilled to announce three upcoming opportunities to attend the Aquaculture Field Day - Avian Predator Management program. Field days will take place at study sites where researchers from Kansas State University and Lake Superior State University evaluated laser and acoustic technologies. We hope that by taking the program “on the road” one of the three locations will work for you. Here is a list of date and locations.
September 27: Ozark Fisheries, MO
September 28: Milford Fish Hatchery, KS
October 5: Michigan Wholesale Walleye, MI
Program Highlights include:
- Facility tour
- Hear research findings
- Learn from producers
- Expand your network
Watch this short video to learn more about the research project.
The events are FREE to attend. Start times vary by location (1 or 2 pm). Space is limited. Register today to save your spot. For more information or to register click on the registration link. Additional information will be provided to participants prior to events.
Registration Link: https://purdue.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_baBS9DgNVj6mgp8
This program is presented by Kansas State University, Lake Superior State University, Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant and Purdue University in partnership with Ozark Fisheries, Milford Fish Hatchery, and Michigan Wholesale Walleye with support from the North Central Regional Aquaculture Center.
For question, please contact Amy Shambach by email at ashambac@purdue.edu.