Minorities in Aquaculture: Aquaculture Accessibility and Diversity Survey
Help Minorities in Aquaculture fill the gaps!
As a part of the MIA network, we invite/ask you to help us understand your career experiences, barriers, and needs through our 2023 Network Census by Nov. 10th @ 11:59PM EST.
There is currently very little data regarding the experiences and needs of women, women of color and the LGBTQIA+ community in the aquaculture industry to date. We need your help, feedback and experiences so all our members can finally have active advocacy and support in our fisheries and aquaculture careers.
This survey will help MIA address the lack of diversity and develop strategies to expand provided opportunities for aquaculture accessibility, recruitment, and job retention. In order to have active, long-lasting change that actually benefits us, we've taken matters into our hands to gather this useful data for us by us!
In partnership with The Pew Charitable Trusts (PEW), Minorities In Aquaculture is focused on the insights on the barriers, challenges, and opportunities for our network in the aquaculture industry and related fields. We understand that diversity is essential for sustainable aquaculture, and we aim to create empowering spaces for all while providing impactful knowledge, skills and long needed resources to create a viable pipeline into all sectors of the aquaculture & fisheries spaces.
Your participation is voluntary, and you can skip questions or stop the survey at any time. Rest assured that the survey is anonymous, and we will never disclose/share individual responses, only the overall data analysis from the census responses!
To increase our network and data gathered from this census, we encourage you to share and invite any woman, woman of color and LGBTQIA+ community member that you know in your aquaculture/fisheries work spaces, industry organizations and connections to participate in this effort as well! Let's dive into diversity together and make sure we have the resources & support we ALL need!
If you have questions, suggestions, or need accommodation to complete the survey, please send an email to resources@mianpo.org
Additional Info
Related Links : https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScnJTGe_Hy0XXMdeglC1_GCN0bK1SWuy3iJJHu-VtTu7Jbi2w/formResponse