NAA Releases Results from U.S. Aquaculture Communication Priorities Survey 2024
To improve the focus of U.S. aquaculture communications by the National Aquaculture Association (NAA), a membership and non-membership aquaculture communication priorities survey was conducted in August 2024.
Survey data uncovered broad agreement between farmers and other aquaculture stakeholder types, such as extension specialists and researchers. Key messaging topics identified included U.S. farm-raised seafood environmental sustainability, human food safety, health and nutritional benefits, and economic, food security and labor benefits. Key audiences included the general public, government agencies and Congress, environmental organizations, and seafood distributors/end-users (wholesale, retail and restaurants).
Little difference was identified between the six overarching public messages included in the survey. U.S. aquaculture’s role in protecting the environment, conserving wild stocks and the health and safety of U.S. aquaculture products were identified as the three most important messages. Survey results also indicated that communication campaigns should prioritize reaching the general public/consumers broadly. Congress and regulatory agencies were found to be the second most important audience. Respondents indicated that educational videos/documentaries and social media communications would be the most effective tools to reach the general public.
The NAA will utilize the results of this survey to focus its resources and maximize the positive impact of communication efforts. The NAA encourages other U.S. aquaculture communication groups to use this information to increase the success of their communication efforts and to reach out to the NAA to collaborate.