House Agriculture Releases Agricultural Labor Report and Policy Recommendations
House Committee on Agriculture Chairman Glenn “GT” Thompson (PA-15) and Ranking Member David Scott (GA-13) released the following joint statement after the bipartisan Agricultural Labor Working Group (ALWG) released its final report and 21 policy recommendations.
“America’s agriculture industry depends on the availability of a reliable workforce. However, as we have traveled the country, listening to farmers, ranchers, workers, and producers, it’s become abundantly clear that a lack of reliable labor is one of the industry’s greatest challenges. We want to thank Representatives Crawford and Davis for leading the working group, as well as the other Members who dedicated their time and energy to this bipartisan effort. We hope the suite of policy recommendations in this final report can be a roadmap to legislative solutions that protect workers and ensure a fair work environment while addressing the agriculture labor crisis.”
The co-chairs of the working group, Congressmen Rick Crawford (AR-01) and Don Davis (NC-01) said:
“It’s no secret in the agriculture community that the H-2A program is too complex and has failed to provide our agricultural producers with a dependable workforce during busy times of the year. After months of roundtables, meetings, and surveys we have developed a final report with comprehensive, bipartisan policy reforms that better serve our nation’s agriculture sector. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to work with Co-Chairman Davis on leading such an important effort. The fact that our working group was able to agree on so many significant reforms is a testament to how widespread the H-2A program’s problems are and how quickly they need to be addressed. Now, we have to keep working with the committees of jurisdiction to make sure they implement our recommendations,” said Rep. Crawford.
“Shortages in agriculture labor and the need to update the H-2A program are pressing issues, especially for rural America. Farmers are finding it extremely difficult to continue operating with rising costs. I have listened to eastern North Carolinians and many across our nation. Labor issues are top of mind. The Agriculture Labor Working Group’s final report offers common-sense solutions and a pathway that benefits farmers and workers,” said Rep. Davis.
The report includes points of bipartisan consensus to address the shortfalls of the H-2A program and encourages Congress to quickly act on the 21 recommendations.
The final report can be found on the House Committee on Agriculture’s ALWG site here.