Aquatic Animals to the United Kingdom/Great Britain: NEW HEALTH CERTIFICATES
The United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) was notified that the United Kingdom/Great Britain has published two, newly formatted, aquatic animal health certificates. These certificates will replace existing versions.
The newly formatted, aquatic animal health certificates were published on the IRegs webpage today. The certificates can be viewed by clicking on the following links:
- Ornamental Aquatic Animals Intended for Closed Ornamental Facilities - GBHC671 - Health Certificate -April 2024
- Aquaculture Animals for Farming, Relaying, Put and Take Fisheries, and Open Ornamental Facilities -GBHC670 - Health Certificate - April 2024
Accredited veterinarians may continue to issue the older certificate versions until April 15, 2024, when APHIS will remove them from the webpage. The new certificates must be issued effective April 15, 2024.
These certificates are meant to streamline the previous versions. The regulations, requirements, and attestations are the same, but in a different format. The Aquatic Animal Reference section has been updated and reflects a newly formatted "List of Susceptible and Vector Species" document. Susceptible and vectors species remain the same for the U.K., but the document is newly formatted to reference U.K. regulation.
For more information on certificate endorsement or facility inspection requests, please visit the “Need Help? Export Trade Servies (by State)” section near the bottom of our Live Animal Export Resources page.