NAA's Mike Freeze, of Keo Fish Farms, featured on Food Bullying Podcast
Fish farming, fear, and your food: Episode 113
Is “wild” fish somehow better for you than the farm-raised variety?
Mike Freeze, owner of Keo Fish Farm, conservationist, environmentalist, and naturalist, offers his perspective based on years of fish farming.
“For a variety of health reasons people need to consume more seafood and since we are fishing the oceans at maximum sustainable levels, only farmed seafood offers the possibility to increase seafood consumption,” says Freeze. His conversation on the Food Bullying podcast helps dietitians understand why this is important.
While “wild” fish might be perceived as being more nutritious or somehow better for the environment, Freeze notes that their more affordable, farmed counterparts may be overlooked, and the consumer might be skipping fish altogether – and not meeting recommended guidelines. He encourages RDNs and those who prioritize nutrition to consider fish an important part of their diet.
Listen in for more information on the safety and sustainability of farmed fish in the nutrition world, as well as Freeze’s take on purchasing American-raised seafood.
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Source : https://causematters.com/fish-farming-fear/